Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Day 1 - 6th January 2014

The big day has finally arrived. After suffering from breathing problems in November and hardly being able to walk up a set of stairs, I decided that something finally needed to be done about my excessive weight. I have always been overweight since a young baby, as were the rest of my family, and had tried many diets in my adulthood.  I did have a success 20 years ago when I lost 35kg in preparation for my wedding but I have given up ever since.  I thought this time I needed another objective, like my wedding, as this seem to motivate me - no, I am not going to get married again! About 2 years ago my eldest son was diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes, and despite all the advances in medical science there is still not a cure for T1D. I decided that I would try and raise money for the charity that supports diabetic research +JDRF UK and set a target of 25kg to lose. By going public with my actual weight and raising sponsorship meant that there was no hiding from the task at hand.  A very easy way of allowing people to sponsor you is through www.justgiving.com and I created my own page; then by using social media I shared the page with my friends and colleagues. By the time the big day arrived I had raised over £1000 in sponsorship and pledges if I achieved my target.

I bought myself a new set of electronic scales that in addition to weight also measured Body Mass Index (BMI) body fat % & body water %.

Day 1 readings

Weight - 138.6 Kg
BMI - 44.1
Fat % - 66.1%
Water % - 24.1%

I also decided to measure my vital statistics as it would be interesting to see how much I lose from where.

Neck - 52.8 Cms
Chest - 130.8 Cms
Tummy - 147.0 Cms
Waist - 129.5 Cms
Top arm - 40.5 Cms
Wrist - 21.8 Cms
Thigh - 72.0 Cms

I had decided to follow the Dukan diet www.dukandiet.co.uk as a number of my colleagues lost significant weight through this program. I will go into more details of the program in later days. I posted my weight on www.facebook.com so there was no hiding from my friends & colleagues and they would want to check that I had reached my target & not cheated.

Week 1 of the Dukan diet is very straightforward - all protein.

Breakfast was 2 hard boiled eggs, seasoned with salt & pepper.

Off to the office and had a lot of motivational chats with my colleagues; one problem is that I have a very sedentary job and sit at my desk most of the day.

Lunch was very low fat (2.2%) plain cottage cheese with a packet of shrimps.

I need to remember to drink lots of water as I had not been previously so managed 10 glasses during the day which obviously meant that there were a lot more visits to the bathroom! In terms of other drinks I had 2 cups of black coffee during the day and a bottle of Coca-Cola Zero. After 3 pm I started to feel hungry so I need to increase my protein intake at lunchtime as there is no restriction to the amount you have.

Stopped at the supermarket on the way home to get a few extra items that I was allowed to eat. One of the problems that I face is that I work in Germany and the range of low/no fat items on sale are a lot more limited that at UK supermarkets.

Arrived home at 18.15 and this is the most challenging time of the day for me as I normally used to open a bottle of wine and a packet of nuts. It was raining very heavily outside but I pulled on my 'running gear' & left the house. I had measured a 4 km route from my house so I did this - must remember to buy a running light as it was pitch black! Did the 4 Km in 47 minutes and arrived home very wet.

I prepared my dinner and did 15 minutes of light weight lifting.

Dinner consisted of a breast of chicken covered with lots of spices & herbs and a packet of prawns.

To keep myself occupied I signed up to an online learning course and enjoyed 90 minutes of learning about forensic science.

Last problem of the day was that normally I had drunk a fair amount of alcohol and normally fell asleep in a drunk slumber but this evening I was sober & alert - it took a long time to fall asleep,

So at the end of day 1 I felt happy but tired...here are some photos of me showing my weight problem


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